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Antisec veröffentlicht Monsanto-Datenbank im Internet

von C. Schell

Monsanto ist der Hersteller von gentechnisch verändertem Saatgut und Herbiziden. Der Konzern steht schon seit längerer Zeit in der Kritik und damit im Fokus von Anonymous.

Im Rahmen der Operation Anti-Security (OpAntisec) veröffentlichte Anonymous bereits im Juli 2011 - ältere - personenbezogene Daten und Emails von Mitarbeitern des amerikanischen Monsanto-Konzerns (Quelle: Pastehtml):




Your continued attack on the worlds food supply, as well as the health of those who eat it, has earned you our full attention.
Your crimes against humanity are too many to name on one page, you have put over 9000 small-time farmers out of business by using your enourmous legal team to bury them with your malicious patent lawsuits. You have continually introduced harmful, even deadly products into our food supply without warning, without care, all for your own profit.

We are aware that posting this outdated database will do little to harm you. Rest assured, we will continue to dox your employees and executives,
continue to knock down your websites, continue to fry your mail servers, continue to be in your systems, and continue to expose your bullshit.

Expect Us

